Friday, January 10, 2014


  As I sit here thinking of what to write... I'm pondering about life itself.  I think so often that people are 'all or nothing' about their goals and lifestyle.  And too often, people fail at trying to make any positive changes in their lives because the familiar is way too easy.  We take the easiest road. We know this to be true and we read it to inspire us constantly. But do we truly do anything about it?? We say it. But we don't do anything about it. 

  My nephew is losing his battle to a very rare cancer, Neuroblastoma. He's been fighting it for the last 1.5 years. It's finally time to give in. I've been with my sister the last few days while he spends his last days with us. It's heart wrenching. While everyone tries to make some sense out of it, it's really best not to. It's better to enjoy the time and try to find the beauty in this experience as I am still in the process of doing. I'm looking inside myself to try to figure out the lesson I'm suppose to take from this. I think there is a lesson to be learned by all that is part of this. It may mean something different to us all. I'm sure of it. 

  I've gotten way too caught up in the process of working life, that I've neglected the living life, i.e. my children and husband. I'm going to slow down a little. I'm actually going to listen to my children when they speak to me rather than just be in the same room. I know I can't make a complete transformation over night, however I can practice one piece at a time. Just as I coach my clients to work on one thing per week, I'm going to take my own advice. This week (after I return from my sister's) I will have a chat with each of my kids and spend some time each day. Maybe it will be at the end each day when I say goodnight to them. I'll take a longer moment to be with them... Ask them how their day went, etc. 

For those of you trying to actually make some healthy changes this year (and not just talk about resolutions), here's your first assignment: start each day with a cleansing elixir of the following:

Warm water
Natural and local honey
Natural and organic apple cider vinegar (I like 'Braggs')
Lemon juice

Mix it up to your liking and drink it down. I have this first thing every morning, even before my coffee. It revs up my system so my body flows through the day nicely. Send me some feedback, would love to read your thoughts.

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